Moss-Man | The Mossy Guardian of Copyright


Hey floral friends and eco-warriors!

Guess what just bloomed at Evolve Flowers? A tale of unexpected heroism, featuring a surprise ally who stepped up when we needed it most.

At Evolve, we're all about rocking sustainable British blooms and treating Mother Earth like the queen she is. Our hustle is real—we work tirelessly to handpick the freshest, most stand-up flowers straight from the fields and glasshouses to your hands. But hey, we're not just here to chat petals!

Here's the lowdown: Some sneaky competitor has morphed into an image bandit! trying to mess with our vibe, swiping our pictures and pretending they were their products! We take our honesty and integrity very seriously and have been critised for it even - but why should we let competitors steal our hard work?

But hold up, cue the entrance of our very own eco-warrior— 'Moss-Man,' the sustainability superhero! This guy, draped in green glory, reached out with a note and a stash of top-notch British sustainable moss, pledging to have our back. Talk about a sigh of relief! It's fantastic to have reinforcements in the ongoing battle of challenges that Evolve faces.

This dude, looking like a walking garden, promised us he'd keep our pictures safe from those photo thieves. He's all about keeping it real and protecting our hard work.

We're not sure when Moss-Man will reappear, but his support means the world. It's like an extra shield so we can keep doing what we do best—delivering sustainable British-grown goodies that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

We're going to keep making beautiful seasonal flowers and helping florists with British Flowers Direct. And now, we've got Moss-Man watching over us, making sure our flower stories stay just that—ours.

Big thanks to Moss-Man for being on the lookout. We hope the bad guys stay away, but it's nice to know he's out there just in case.

Let's keep the love flowing for real, secure in the knowledge that Moss-Man's got our back.

Keep Calm & Carry On Flowering! 


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