The Knowledge — October
Crop Report - 29th October 2021

Can you believe British Poinsettia are going to be in stores next week ?! The grower tells me it gets earlier every year! it's certainly a tactic to increase sales !! We will be collecting samples next week too so and discussions will continue with hauliers regarding transport of British grown plants as it seems there is demand! Do we miss Autumn by being so far ahead of the season? I'm most definitely done with pumpkins... lol... interestingly the scented Narcissi sold out in our shops last week too - seems consumers are certainly getting ahead! This weekend is the BFA...
Crop Report - 22nd October 2021

What a blast we had at GFG Event last weekend - a packed schedule with presentations on photography, social media & marketing, pricing for profit, demystifying electric vehicles (I now understand a bit of what my teenage Top Gear fan is talking about!) plus some brilliant discussions, gift wrapping techniques and a bit of discoing too! And to catch up with some old flower friends and meet new ones was priceless - if not a bit surreal... the flowers were pretty awesome too!! This week Evolving has centered around our new florist studio (YAY! We are in after 18months of...
Crop Report - 15th October 2021

THANK YOU so much for all your votes for the BFA Awards - WE MADE THE FINALS!! Evolve is in the final 10 for the Local Wholesaler of the Year Category! We have had a challenging year for sure! (who hasn't!?) This is just the lift we need to keep Team Evolve going in the run up to the peaks! We are so grateful for your votes! I'm looking forward to seeing some of you in person this weekend at the Good Florist Guide Event. Also at the end of October at BFA Awards and Vision Conference where I am...
Crop Report - 08th October 2021

Our personality pumpkins are flying off the shelves! These cheerful 'pocket-money-pick-ups' are just what consumers need on dull days to cheer them up :) Time to move lots of dried flowers mixed in with fresh, in kits and as straight bunches. Do get in touch if you would like the bulk box prices. NEW! Rose hips Time to get the cats back in! Autumn wildlife starts to appear almost the same week as Rose hips - Every year! MOSS! Fresh from Norfolk please order early as this is bulky - it comes in fresh to us every week - 3 bags...
Crop Report - 01st October 2021

October is Here! Brrr chilly !! It's a blustery day here with leaves and conkers starting to fall. Some of Team Evolve are already in four layers of clothing and got their woolly hats on! The best way to keep out the cold is to wear a scarf andmake up a hum :) (said Winnie the Pooh) How nature cheers us up - already there's spring bulbs starting to shoot, despite the Tulip bulbs for next season still not being in the trays as yet. Early Daffodils have been planted and... scented Narcissi have arrived!! NEW! Narcissi fresh from the Scilly Isles Super scented Paperwhites and Scented Narcissi! It seems earlier every year however on schedule - give or take a week! Oh my Gourd! It's pumpkin time again! box offers on mixed white Casperita and orange mini Jill-be-little for your tablescapes and mixed squash to decorate with dried! Football sized pumpkins from a new grower - the ideal size for workshops and pumpkin parties :) We have now added another bulk box of 40 Gourds - 9kgs! Dried Flowers Plenty of dried flowers to go at - please see the volume list if looking for quantity. NEW! Snowberries Snowberries are ready to be squished all over the...